Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paragliding the Point

This past summer I had the fantastic opportunity to try out paragliding at the Point in Draper, UT.  Paragliding is known as a fun and safe way to experience flight in its simplest form.  A paraglider is a free-flying, foot-launched aircraft.  For newcomers to the sport, it is required that you fly tandem with an experienced pilot before flying solo.

Tandem flights use a wing large enough to hold two people.  Each person has a seat of their own.  Once the kite and pilot are ready and every one is strapped in - you simply walk off the side of the mountain and put your faith in wind.  A breeze catches the kite's wings and lifts you up gently.  Voilà! -  you are airborne.

The take off was smooth and effortless.  It felt, to me, like I was butterfly floating gently in the breeze.  I have also tried skydiving in the past and the two are totally different.  One gives you an adrenaline rush and the other seems to calm your every fiber.  The paragliding flight lasts approximately 15 minutes - long enough to get in some great pictures.

Paragliding ROCKS!!

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